Hello and welcome to A Writing Guy.

My name is An Bao, and this is a companion blog that I am working on for a personal Youtube channel on writing instruments and other things that pique my interest.

You can find related fountain pen content at @awritingguy

Since starting primary school, Vietnamese students such as myself were acquainted with the use of fountain pens, and they have become a part of my life ever since.

  • 5 things I’ve realized after 5 years with fountain pens

    It’s not all roses and rainbows…

  • Cursive Handwriting Resources

    for your reference

  • Writing Instruments

    me being a nerd over pens, paper, and ink

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They exist in many ways and forms but I hope mine would be a well thought-out and written one that would provide you guys with snippets of ideas or sparks of writing from what I have found or experienced.

If you want to have one in your inbox each week please continue to this sign up page below

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I hope my writing would be useful to those who is looking to start this journey and it would help you find your inspiration to write along.