How to enjoy “cheaper” pens?

A question that usually comes up here and there within the fountain pen community, as well as other hobbies is that, once you have tasted the value and quality of a super highend pen, you may kill the urge of using “less expensive” pens?

The common sense answer on this one should be a no, since every pen serve their individual writing purpose, and the lower price point means that those pens are more accessible to a wider market, and easier for those who want to explore this wonderful hobby.

Still there are people who would just show off their fancy pens to flex on other fountain pen users, and would it make them a better collector because of it?

Back in the days of me being an innocent child starting to use fountain pens and the only ones we could get our hands on were the Hero 331 (a copy of the famous Parker 51/61) and a copy version of the Quink ink (called Queen and they even copied the labels and bottle design...) and you know what, even after all those years I could still get myself out there to get a set of those, and I’m still oddly okay with that to get a hit of nostalgia...

It’s not the end of the world if you can’t use your best and fanciest pens since we could always enjoy the tiny little pieces of joy in life. When we know which is the point of ‘content’, we wouldn’t have to suffer any down point in the fountain pen journey ever again.

Mar 9 2020


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